Housing Loan Singapore


Providing online home loan services since 2009


SIBOR is generally more stable while SWAP tend to fluctuate more. However 3-month SWAP has recently stayed consistently lower than 3-month SIBOR for an extended period of time. SOR is also very reactive to currency exchange rates.


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Housing loans are loans you take up to purchase your house.

The home loan is secured against the house that you are buying. In financial jargon, housing loans can be referred to as mortgages.

Your house, condominium, HDB flat, landed property, etc, is the collateral used in the loan transaction.

The loan quantum is determined by the bank.

Most commonly, the quantum will be a percentage of the property value or purchase price, whichever is lower.

The market value of the property will be determined by an independent valuer appointed by the bank.

How big a quantum amount a bank can afford to offer you depends on the bank’s own internal assessment criteria.

Usually your monthly income will play a major role in determining the level of amount that a bank will be willing to offer you.

Your income and personal financial obligations affects the monthly installments, and the monthly installments affect the loan quantum, etc.

There are loan packages in the market that offer fixed rates of up to a few initial years.

There are also packages that are pegged to the bank’s board rate or SIBOR/SOR.

How to choose a housing loan in Singapore?

Most home buyer are looking for the best housing loan.

However, if you are seeking a one, it is better to seek out “which is the best package for YOU”.

There are a number of different mortgage packages in Singapore. And each one is conceptualized by the mortgage lender to serve a particular customer profile that they have identified.

As different people have different needs, each package attends to a particular customer profile.

Here are some important factors to consider for yourself


It is a common practice for home buyers to decide on a property and find a property loan for it later.

If you are unable to obtain a loan for your purchase later, you may have to forfeit the earnest money you put down.

The best thing to do is in fact to get a pre-approved property loan from the bank before looking for your property.

Loan tenure duration

The loan tenure can stretch all the way till you reach the age of 65 or 70 years old.

You will want to pay off the loan sooner if you have a high income so that you don’t have to worry about it when you reach retirement age.

Floating interest rates or fixed interest rates:

If you are more of a risk-taker, you might want to get a housing loan with floating interest rates.

Not that they are risky, but it being less stable compared to fixed rate mortgages.

Floating rates follow the market’s direction. So if market rates go down in the future, you will likely benefit from it.

However, if you are risk-adverse and want to have more stability, you can choose a fixed interest rate package.

You can refinance your house with another mortgage after the period of fixed interest rates.

Repayment penalties

When you have the intention to pay off your housing loan in the very near future, you will want to find one that will allow you to pay it off in 1 lump sum without penalty.

Penalty fee can go up to 1.5% of the partial or full redemption amount.

Interest rates transparency

A popular housing loan package these days are those that have interest rates pegged to the SIBOR or SOR.

The information of these rates are available to the public. Banks will charge you a certain premium on top of the prevalent SIBOR or SOR rates.

This is as opposed to the dreaded board rate.

If you want to consistently understand what you are paying, you can consider taking up a package pegged to the SIBOR or SOR.

Available promotions

Because home loans are pretty sought after for both purchasing and refinancing of properties, banks often offer special promotional packages to better serve home buyers.

So get up to date on the latest available promotions by contacting us from the home page of housing loan Singapore.

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What We Do For You

We Gather And Provide You Information On The Best Housing Loans In Singapore So That You Can Make A Better Decision Based On What Is Available In The Market

Which bank do you recommend for home loans in Singapore?

We don't recommend banks. We recommend you the best home loan that suits your profile and financial position.

How Does SOR Rates Hit Negative Value?

SOR rates are calculated with a complex financial formula, solved with simple algebra. The results of solving the equation therefore depends on the inputs used. Varying inputs that result from economic impacts and indicators can lead to negative value when the formula is solved. Key input indicators include USD/SGD spot rates and USD/SGD forward rates.

HDB loan or bank housing loan?

Our opinion is to always take a HDB concessionary loan if you are eligible for one. One of HDB's objectives is to to provide affordable housing for the people. While a bank is profit driven.

Which bank offers the best home loan deals?

Interest rates and spreads are not all that matter. Don't ignore the closing costs involved. Different banks can have different customized home loans for you. Don't be surprised if you will save more on a home loan that charges more interest because of the lesser closing costs involved. This is especially so if you know that you will refinance your home loan as soon as the lock in period has expired.

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