Housing Loan Singapore


Providing online home loan services since 2009


SIBOR is generally more stable while SWAP tend to fluctuate more. However 3-month SWAP has recently stayed consistently lower than 3-month SIBOR for an extended period of time. SOR is also very reactive to currency exchange rates.
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With the government’s intervention to cool off the property market to prevent an irreversible bubble forming, many prospective home buyers are still uncertain of whether to purchase a piece of real estate now or wait. There has been a few significant interventions on the property market by the government in the past year that effectively trickles down to the home buyer.

For local Singaporeans, these changes can be better accepted and understood because local property buyers have been progressively learning about the property market. The cooling off measures after all will affect the locals the most.

However if you are a foreigner or non-citizen trying to obtain a Singapore housing loan or pre-approved mortgage loan,

you may be totally confused on how these changes can affect your home purchase. You may be considering buying a house to live in or purchasing a property for passive rental income, these changes can affect your plans. The key effect that the latest new policies have is on the mortgage loan market. While there is a lot of publicity on the new legislative policies, be assured that articles and columns you read in the newspapers are not complete and are surface information at most.

If you are foreigner, expat or non-citizen who is more than certain that there is absolutely no way you can obtain an 80% loan to value and have to settle for at most 60% loan to value because you are already servicing an existing mortgage loan, you have greatly misunderstood the new guidelines and policies.

You may be an expatriate from Australia, America, New Zealand, China, United Kingdom, Malaysia or Indonesia, etc. If you are not a Singaporean and is confused of your Singapore housing loan parameters and eligibility, you may want to contact us from the contact form at the home page of housing loan Singapore. We can help you make sense of the new policies and even arrange a proper dialogue for you and a proper banker to help qualify your mortgage loan requirements quickly.

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It makes absolutely no sense to pay more
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What We Do For You

We Gather And Provide You Information On The Best Housing Loans In Singapore So That You Can Make A Better Decision Based On What Is Available In The Market

Which bank do you recommend for home loans in Singapore?

We don't recommend banks. We recommend you the best home loan that suits your profile and financial position.

How Does SOR Rates Hit Negative Value?

SOR rates are calculated with a complex financial formula, solved with simple algebra. The results of solving the equation therefore depends on the inputs used. Varying inputs that result from economic impacts and indicators can lead to negative value when the formula is solved. Key input indicators include USD/SGD spot rates and USD/SGD forward rates.

HDB loan or bank housing loan?

Our opinion is to always take a HDB concessionary loan if you are eligible for one. One of HDB's objectives is to to provide affordable housing for the people. While a bank is profit driven.

Which bank offers the best home loan deals?

Interest rates and spreads are not all that matter. Don't ignore the closing costs involved. Different banks can have different customized home loans for you. Don't be surprised if you will save more on a home loan that charges more interest because of the lesser closing costs involved. This is especially so if you know that you will refinance your home loan as soon as the lock in period has expired.

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It makes absolutely no sense to pay more
than you have to on a home loan.

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